Learn about citywide patriots
It all started with a question…
“What can we do to help save our nation?”
What began as a gathering on founder Julia Miller’s back patio, has evolved a tight-knit patriot group, driven by a shared purpose: saving our nation. From freeway banners and grassroots involvement to conference attendance and getting involved in local government the momentum grew.
Their passion sparked a captivating conference, the Great Exodus, featuring expert speakers like David Webb and Loren Norris. This resounding success birthed and co-led by Julia and Mark Boyett has become a great resource for local and national patriots. Their mission? Educating Americans on liberty reclamation and fostering a network of like-minded patriots.
With Julia and Mark at the helm, Citywide Patriots’ immediate goal is to educate Americans on how they can reclaim their liberty and God-given rights. The next goal is to connect patriots, locally and across the nation, with like-minded people who are on the road to reclaiming their identities as free people. They accomplish these goals through events like Great Exodus Conferences, supporting and joining forces with local grass-roots organizations, and encouraging civic responsibility and political involvement.